Lazy Girl Lasagna

Gluten Free & Vegan

Ingredients may vary due to what you have to work with in your kitchen and garden:

1 box GF lasagna noodles

2 jars of your favorite red pasta sauce

1-2 zucchini (grated or thinly sliced)

1-2 eggplant (thinly sliced and salted)

1-2 c fresh tomatoes (chopped)

1/2 cup chopped garlic

1/2-1 c Fresh herbs-basil, oregano, rosemary (chopped finely)

1 container of vegan ricotta

1 pk of dairy free pesto

1 c chopped greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, or your favorite)

dash of salt and pepper


any type of mushrooms or Big Mountain brand vegan sausage (no gluten and no soy) I added fennel seeds for that Italian flavor

Optional to add vegan cheese on top-we like myokos mozzarella

This is my Lazy Girl recipe, so it’s a faster version for when needed. I would normally make my own pasta sauce, pesto sauce, and boil my lasagna noodles before layering. *of course-as organic as available.

Preheat oven 375*. 

Once all ingredients are chopped and sliced, I sauce the eggplant with olive oil and salt till it is translucent. While that is cooking, I add all the zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, and herbs in a pan and sauce. Just to mix the flavors, if you’re in a real hurry, just layer them raw.

Once the eggplant is ready, I throw into the other veggies and stir. Turn off heat.

If you could-while veggies were cooking, start the mushrooms or vegan sausage to brown up a bit. I sprinkled fennel seeds, but not necessary.

In a deep casserole dish, add the first jar of red sauce and I add about a cup of water in the jar to get all the sauce out of the jar and to help with cooking the noodles.  Add the first layer of noodles.

Next, I spread the veggies over the noodles and sauce.

Next layer, add noodles to cover the other layer, and spread the vegan ricotta over the entire dish. I add the “meat’ portion next, mushrooms or veg sausage. I top that off with the raw chopped greens. 

Last layer, noodles first, and then pesto all over. I top with the last jar of red pasta sauce.  If you are adding vegan cheese, it would be now.  I sometimes only cover half the dish in case others don’t want the vegan cheese.

Bake for about 1/2 an hour.  Stick a fork through the mixture in a few spots to make sure noodles are thoroughly cooked.  Once the lasagna is soft enough to put a fork through, let cool for 10 minutes and serve.

A salad goes very well with this dish.  And leftovers always seem to be even better than the first meal.

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